NTT is uniquely known for our high quality consultation services and legal aids in Vietnam, Lao, Cambodia and Myanmar

Posted by: NTT IP CO., LTD
Practice Area: Trademark    Country: Vietnam    Publish Date: 15-Feb-2017

NTT established with approximately 20 patent/trademark attorneys, engineers, technical experts in numerous technical areas, all of whom are known in the IP community as one of the top attorneys in patent/trademark litigation, client counseling, and due diligence and especially the dedicated contribution of the two leading former Examiners, each of them has more than 20 years of patent/trademark examination experience, we are proud of the highest standards of Intellectual Property law services we provide.

NTT is headquartered in Hanoi Vietnam, within 3 km from the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam (NOIP) and has three affiliate offices in Phnom Penh - Cambodia, Vientiane - Laos, and Yangon - Myanmar to protect, enforce, and advance our clients’ intellectual property in service of their business goals in these jurisdictions. At NTT, we maintain a client-centered approach, dedicated to handling each client matter as we would want it handled if we were the client. In addition, we rely on and maintain close working relationships with our clients, which are characterized by clear, frank and prompt communications.

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